News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Wellsville man to protest August 14 at Allegany County Courthouse


Marshall Green demands reform of Child Protective Services

By Andrew Harris

After almost a full year of court dates, civil hearings, and legal expense, Marshall Green has had his criminal charges completely dismissed and his Child Protective Services case determined to be “unfounded.” With his name cleared, Green claims his experience uncovered systemic failures within the Allegany County Department of Social Services, who oversee Child Protective Services (CPS).

Green has provided the Wellsville Sun, every Allegany County Legislator, and County Administrator Carissa Knapp’s office with detailed statement and request for corrective action. Within that statement, Green clearly states the reasons for his complaint:

“Incompetence, corruption or both on part of the Social Services Department and its leadership.”

Earlier this week, Green took an additional step and filed what he describes as a “formal complaint,” with the Allegany County Human Resources Department.

Based on the information provided by Green, the complaint centers around the handling of Green’s 2022 Child Protective Services case after he was charged by Wellsville Village Police for Endangering the Welfare of a Child, a misdemeanor charge. As stated previously, those charges were fully dismissed by Allegany County Supreme Court Judge Thomas Brown.

During the investigation and hearings held by the Office of Children and Family Services, Green contends that clear incompetence was displayed by Child Protective Services. The hearings concluded that the case against him was “unfounded.”

After Green had both his criminal and civil complaints dismissed he began the process of alerting the media and local elected officials of his experience. Then the Commissoner of Social Services, Edna Kayes, was placed on administrative leave.

In an email that Green sent to county leadership and administration he questions if he is the only citizen who has been in his situation:

“In light of the current Commissioner being relieved of her duties and escorted from her office, it worries me that the issues I experienced go much deeper than just my case.”

Based on his case and the larger concerns voiced by Green, he has announced a public protest at the Allegany County Courthouse in Belmont on Monday, Aug. 14 at 11 a.m. Green urges any other county residents who share his complaints to attend.

County officials are very tight lipped about the matter when asked for comment, which is standard when dealing with sensitive matters which could lead to litigation.

In emails to county legislators and administration, Green clearly threatens legal action as an option:

“Before I move forward with formally retaining my lawyer and filing a lawsuit against the County, I would like to give the County an opportunity to set this wrong right without involving the courts.”

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