News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

NYS Elks President Kevin Connolly will visit Wellsville Lodge on Friday July 21


Balloon Rally Porch Party with Cort Dunham July 22

Steak Bake set for August 25

From the Wellsville Elks Lodge 1495,

A big Balloon Rally weekend is coming up for the Wellsville Elks! The New York State President is coming to inspect the lodge and make sure everyone is behaving like true Elks. Kevin Connolly will be on Pearl Street at 3pm.

Saturday July 22 is maybe the busiest day of the year in Wellsville NY, the peak of the Great Wellsville Balloon Rally. The Elks have a great annual party on the front porch. Hit the street for the Main Street Festival then the elks for a beer and live Cort Dunham!!

The Elks ultimate summer meal is planned for August 25th, if you want a seat at the famous Steak Bake then call the lodge to save a seat: 585 593 5430

Brought to you by veteran Steak Bakers:

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