News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Allegany County celebrates Police Week and Peace Officer Memorial Day


Read the speech by Sheriff Scott Cicirello

From the Allegany County Sheriff’s Office, pictured Legislator Steven Havey, Sheriff Cicirello, Undersheriff Mackney, and county Chairman W. Brooke Harris

At the regular meeting of the Allegany County Board of Legislators, Chairman W. Brooke Harris gave the privilege of the floor to Sheriff Cicirello to make remarks regarding upcoming Police Week and Peace Officer Memorial Day. Sheriff Cicirello was joined on the floor with Undersheriff Walt Mackney, Chairman Harris and Public Safety Committee Chairman Steve Havey.

The following were the Sheriff’s remarks:

“With Police Officer week and Peace Officer Memorial Day upon us, I think it’s important to recognize those who protect and serve us and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice while doing so.

In my near 30-year career as a police officer, I have worked with, knew, or was friends with six police officers that died in the line of duty – six – that’s roughly one every five years. These were all good men, husbands, fathers and partners. They put on their uniform, donned a bullet proof vest and gun belt, kissed their loved ones goodbye and never came home. EVERY police officer knows that this can be their fate, but they go to work anyway.

I have heard the job of a law enforcement officer described as “hours upon hours of boredom, interrupted by moments of sheer terror” – that is so true.

Being a police officer is not easy. The suicide rate among police officers is the highest of any profession. Additionally, 70% of first-time marriages end in divorce if you are an LEO. Police officers also work nights, holidays and during their children’s special events. These are not the kind of statistics you put on a recruiting poster. The cases that LEO’s investigate can be horrific – crimes against children, suicides, homicides, fatal car crashes…knocking on a door to tell a mother and father that their child will not be coming home. These are all daily occurrences for our officers. Not only is the job difficult, the emotional burden can also be difficult to carry.

So why do they do it? Most will say a sense of duty, to save lives, to serve their communities, to make a difference and to make their community safer for their children. I don’t know why they all do it, but I can tell you I am sure glad they do. 

So today, I would like to recognize and honor all members of Law Enforcement in Allegany County. We thank you, respect you and have your back. To all of those we have lost who made the ultimate sacrifice, we remember you, honor you and we will make sure no one ever forgets you.”

Chairman Harris then read the attached proclamation designating Police Officer Week as May 15-21, 2023 and Peace Officer Memorial Day as May 15, 2023.

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