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Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

27th Annual Hospice Walk and Run set for May 20 at St. Bonas


Create a team! Help support hospice services

OLEAN- HomeCare & Hospice Foundation is preparing for its 27th Annual Hospice Walk & Run on Saturday, May 20th at 10am at St. Bonaventure University. Pre-registration will begin at 9am. This event will help raise awareness for hospice services and provide families the opportunity to honor lost loved ones. All runners, walkers, strollers, and pets are welcome.

“HomeCare & Hospice Foundation is looking forward to giving our communities a way to support hospice while also engaging in a healthy and meaningful activity,” said Melissa Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer of HomeCare & Hospice.

Participants are encouraged to create teams and raise pledges with all proceeds benefiting HomeCare & Hospice Foundation and the services they provide throughout Allegany, Cattaraugus, Genesee, and Wyoming counties. A moment of silence will be held with the Hospice spiritual care team at the grotto by the Swan Business building before the race at 10am.  

To register please visit If you are interested in being an event sponsor or volunteer, please contact the Olean HomeCare & Hospice office at (716) 372-2106.

HomeCare & Hospice, a non-profit United Way agency, provides specialized medical care and social/emotional support for patients and families coping with life-limiting illness in Allegany, Cattaraugus, Genesee and Wyoming counties.  This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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