A Richburg man was arrested for illegally possessing an assault rifle
All those arrested are considered innocent until proven guilty in court
By Andrew Harris
April 14, in the town of Birdsall, a 15 year old(name protected) from that town was arrested for felony criminal contempt with physical contact. The youth was issued an appearance ticket for a later date in court.
A man from Centerville was arrested in his hometown on April 15 on two charges. The first charge against 56 year old Donald S Wolfer was a Criminal Trespass in the third degree. A felony charge was also levied against Wolfer for Criminal Mischief in the third degree. He was issued an appearance ticket for a date with justice.
Adam C Austin, age 28, of Richburg NY was arrested after a serious incident in the village of Richburg on April 15. He was charged with two misdemeanors and a felony weapons charge: Criminal Possession of a Weapon, 3rd degree, involving an assault weapon. Austin was also charged with four misdemeanor counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child and one misdemeanor charge of Failure to Safely Store Firearms in the first degree. It wasn’t clear if Austin was held or released based on NYS Police reports.
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