News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Fatal ATV crash in Portville, house fire destroys family home in Ward on Easter Sunday


No injuries reported in the blaze

Michael T. Baldwin Reports, photo from the Scio Fire Department

The Cattaraugus County Sheriff’s Office continues to investigate a deadly ATV accident that happened at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday. Deputies said the incident happened near 781 Gleason Hollow Road in Portville. In a statement, authorities said “upon arrival the operator of the ATV was located pinned underneath the machine off of the roadway.” Deputies were assisted by troopers, Portville and Westons Mills fire and TransAm ambulance. Deputies added “unfortunately life-saving measures were unsuccessful.” The accident remains under investigation. 

Allegany County firefighters were met with some unusual hazards as crews from Alfred, Alfred Station and Andover battled a fully involved house fire at 5394 Duke Road in the Town of Ward. The alarm was received just before 10 p.m. Sunday. When the Alfred fire chief arrived, he told 911 dispatchers “this structure is completely and fully involved.” All occupants had safely escaped the burning home. Volunteers were quickly notified that there were fireworks inside the home and one official confirmed to 911 that he could hear them going off. Crews worked the scene for several hours. State Police, the Allegany County Fire Coordinator and a Deputy Coordinator all responded. There were no initial reports for serious injuries.

UPDATE: At 8:30 a.m. Monday, Alfred Station was dispatched back to the scene for a possible rekindle. 911 reported that a passerby observed heavy smoke coming from the home.

Medical Transport was also dispatched to the scene to evaluate a five-year-old from the house fire.

Almond and Wellsville were also called to the scene.

From the Scio Fire Department:

“Around 21:40 (9:40pm) last night we were dispatched for our tankers to respond to assist Alfred Station on the Duke rd in the town of Ward for a structure fire. Scio 7 and Scio 701 and a few crew responded to supply Alfred and Alfred stations pumpers with water with what is called tanker shuttles, along with neighboring departments tankers. Good work to all companies who responded!”

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