News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Roberts Wesleyan University to Match Allegany County Area Foundation Scholarships


ACAF doubling dollars awarded for college scholarship

For many years, several New York colleges assisted students financially through Dollars for scholars Collegiate Partners program, under which they partially matched scholarships awarded by Dollars for Scholars affiliate, including the Allegany County Area Foundation (ACAF). When Dollars for Scholars ended the program last fall, ACAF contacted these former matching colleges and other WNY colleges and universities about setting up matches directly with the Foundation.

Among the schools confirming that they will support Allegany County students with a match is Roberts Wesleyan University (RWU) – a former Collegiate Partner. Effective this fall, students using an ACAF scholarship at RWU will receive a matching award of up to $1000. The match is for bachelor’s degree study only and may be received for four years (students must re-apply each year). Students receiving tuition benefits through other programs (e.g., ROTC, Tuition Exchange, Tuition Remission) will not be eligible.

“This is a very generous match on the part of RWU. We really appreciate this help for our local students,” Notes ACAF’s Bruce Campbell.

Check back in the weeks ahead for information about additional matching colleges.

ACAF awards $325,000 in scholarships annually to Allegany County Students. The online scholarship application is open each year from November through early February.

Go to for more information about RWU admission and programs.

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