News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Allegany County honors Patricia Fogarty during full legislature meeting


Fogarty, a lawyer, serves as a public defender in Allegany County

By Andrew Harris, pictured is John Anderson awarding Fogarty the ASC President’s Medallion

Fitting for International Women’s Day, Allegany County will honor one of the women who has made an unmistakeable impact. Patricia Fogarty, best known as a tireless public defender, has given decades of service that many are grateful for.

“Pat” has been the ultimate co-worker and donated hours of time despite her hectic and time consuming career. She still serves Alfred State College, who honored her with the President’s Medallion as pictured above.

Allegany County Legislature will honor Forgarty today in Belmont for her continued service to the people of Allegany County. Below is the proclaimation that will be read today in the chambers and anyone can watch live via the County Facebook Page Livestream(you don’t need to join Facebook to watch.)


Offered by: Legislators Gary R. Barnes, Janice L. Burdick, Philip B. Curran, Adam B. Cyr,

Kevin (Fred) Demick, Dwight R. Fanton, Gretchen Hanchett, W. Brooke Harris, Steven A.

Havey, Dwight (Mike) Healy, John D. Ricci, Jennifer Ricketts-Swales, Debra A. Root,

James M. Rumfelt, and Philip G. Stockin

WHEREAS, Patricia “Pat” Fogarty has represented Allegany County’s indigent defendants and parents for over 30 years, and

          WHEREAS, Ms. Fogarty was appointed Allegany County District Attorney in 1983, and has worked as an Assistant Public Defender since 2002, and as First Assistant Public Defender since 2008, and

          WHEREAS, Ms. Fogarty has demonstrated great skill in all types of representation, including in matters regarding custody, neglect, and abuse defense, parole violations, and the most challenging violent felonies. Her reputation for excellence is confirmed by frequent requests for her services in Applications for Assigned Counsel, and

          WHEREAS, Ms. Fogarty’s value as a coworker is extraordinary as she has consistently carried heavy caseloads, has always been willing to cover appearances for her colleagues, and has been instrumental in the training of new attorneys within the Office of the Public Defender, and

          WHEREAS, Ms. Fogarty has actively and selflessly volunteered, and held multiple leadership positions with Catholic Charites of Buffalo since 2007. In addition to serving the Allegany Bar Association and the Grievance Committee of the Eighth Judicial District, Fourth Department, she has served on the Board of Directors for many other local organizations such as the Allegany County United Way (10+ years), Southern Tier Traveling Teachers, the Educational Foundation of Alfred, Inc., and Southern Tier Legal Services, and

          WHEREAS, on multiple occasions, Ms. Fogarty has served as the Chair of the SUNY Alfred State College Council (i.e., 1993 – 2000 and 2008 – Present). Said Council exercises responsibilities with respect to governance on the campus, utilizing Council members expertise and judgment as needed resources for the college; now, therefore, be it


  1. That the Allegany County Board of Legislators recognizes Patricia K. Fogarty for her contributions towards the betterment of Allegany County.

That the Allegany County Board of Legislators expresses gratitude and appreciation for these contributions and looks forward to her continued examples of dedication and service as First Assistant Public Defender within the Office of Public Defender

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