News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Allegany County Recognizes Rising Public Works Employee


Robert Langdon has served the country, county, and the community of Friendship

The Allegany County Legislature passed a resolution on February 8 recognizing the contributions of Robert Langdon, a Junior Engineer within the Department of Public Works.

The resolution details the hard work and dedication Mr. Langdon has displayed while working for the County. He was hired in 2011 as an Engineer Technician, and has since received promotions to Senior Engineer Technician in 2017 and to his current title in October 2022. Langdon performs all surveying responsibilities for the Department, including records and deeds verification, coordination with utility companies on Department projects, the acquisition of easements and permits, and assistance with bridge and culvert design.

Langdon and family with Superintendent Tom Windus, Legislator Dwight Fanton, and Legislator Fred Demick

Tom Windus, Superintendent of Public Works, lauded Mr. Langdon’s commitment to the County. “Rob exemplifies the employee that most deserves this type of recognition. As outlined in the resolution, Rob continues to go above and beyond with whatever gets put on his plate.”

“He is passionate about his work and does it with professionalism, thoroughness, and attention to detail,” Windus said. “Rob is also a great leader and mentor. He is always willing to help others with whatever is asked of him.”

In addition to his work in the Department of Public Works, Mr. Langdon has displayed a commitment to the community with volunteering to coach our local youth. He has served seven years as a coach for the Friendship Little League, as well as coaching baseball for Friendship Central School Modified and Junior Varsity teams, and currently coaching for the Friendship Summer Youth Soccer League.

Langdon and Family

Previously, Langdon served his country with three years of active duty and three additional years in the Army National Guard, achieving the rank of E-4 Specialist, Field Artillery Surveyor. He is a three-time recipient of the Army Achievement Medal, which honors outstanding achievement and meritorious service in the performance of one’s duties.

Board Chairman W. Brooke Harris, in a presentation of the resolution to Langdon, thanked him for his contributions: “The Board is privileged to be able to present Rob with this recognition. Thank you for your continued examples of hard work and commitment to the People of Allegany County.”

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