News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Cuba Lake Gold By Debbie Weatherell

Sean Haggerty named “Hibernian of the Year”


Allegany County Hibernians also honor Byrnes, O’Grady

Pictured, AOH President Matthew Cannon presents plaque Haggerty

At the Allegany County Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division #1 January meeting, special awards were announced and presented.  Sean Haggerty was awarded the 2022 Hibernian of the Year Award by AOH President Matthew Cannon.  Presidents Award Medals were also awarded to Jack Brynes and Tim O’ Grady for their hard work for the AOH Division’s June AOH Irish Road Bowling and September AOH Car Show fundraising events and other AOH activities 

Allegany County AOH President Matthew Cannon stated “Sean Haggerty is an extremely hard working AOH member who puts in extra effort to help our AOH events to be highly successful and family oriented events.  Sean is noted as a great auto mechanic and technician but he is also a tremendous Chef with his popular BBQ talents for our events!  He is a past President of our AOH Division and volunteers his time on many levels through our community to help wherever needed.”  

 President Cannon also noted that “ AOH Members Jack Byrnes and Tim O’Grady are tremendous workers at our AOH events and make our entire AOH team more effective. They help make our small, rural AOH Division successful in serving and helping Allegany County to be a better place to live.  They are both very deserving of Presidents awards for our AOH Division this past year.  Our congratulations go out to Sean Haggerty, Jack Byrnes and Tim O’ Grady as great local representatives of our Irish heritage with strong work ethics and charitable efforts for our community”

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