News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Public Notice: Town of Wellsville Tax Collector


The tax bills are going in the mail, no bank payments this year

From the TOWN OF WELLSVILLE Tax Collector Sally Boehl

OFFICE: Wellsville Airport Town Office                                                             PHONE: (585) 593-1780

 2600 Tarantine Blvd.                                                                                     Wellsville, New York 14895


          I, Sally Boehl, Tax Collector for the Town of Wellsville, have received the tax roll and Warrant for the collection of 2023 Town and County taxes.  I will receive taxes at the Town Office at the Wellsville Airport, 2600 Tarantine Blvd, from 8-430 until January 31, 2023 without penalty.  A penalty of One Percent will be added during February, Two Percent during March, and Three Percent April 1st, after which the Tax Roll will be returned to Belmont and penalties will be computed by the County Treasurer.

The Bank WILL NOT BE COLLECTING TAXES THIS YEAR SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE. They may be Paid in person at the Town Office 2600 Tarantine Blvd or you may mail them to 2600 Tarantine Blvd Wellsville NY 14895

                                                  Sally Boehl, Tax Collector

                                                  Town of Wellsville   


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