Multiple medical offices are now accepting new patients in the Wellsville area
Pictured is Dr. Ryan Nightingale, practicing in Andover NY
If you are looking for a primary care provider, the Jones Memorial Medical Practices team is accepting new patients at the offices in Andover, Bolivar, and Wellsville.
All these practices are PCMH (Patient Centered Medical Home) certified. PCMH is a system of care in which a team of health professionals works with the patient to provide comprehensive, coordinated care.
Dr. Keith Gembusia is accepting patients at the Bolivar Family Medicine office, located at 120 First Street in Bolivar. Appointments can be made by calling (585) 928-1600.
Dr. Pasquale Picco and Shannon Mooney, PA, are located at 15 Loder Street in Wellsville. Both are Internal Medicine providers, and Dr. Picco is also a pulmonologist. Dr. Picco is accepting new patients age 65 and over and can be reached at (585) 596-4129. Adult patients are welcome to make an appointment with Shannon Mooney by calling her office at (585) 4088.
The newest Jones Memorial Medical Practices office in Wellsville is located at 12 Martin Street. Dr.Niharika Pasumarty and Physician Assistant Cortni Monroe both see patients exclusively at this location. You can make an appointment with either provider by calling the office at (585) 593-4250.
Dr. Ryan Nightingale sees patients at the 12 Martin Street office in Wellsville and at the Andover Family Pracitce office. For an apointment in Wellsville, please call (607) 247-1059. To see him in Andover, you can call (607) 478-8421. Alexis Neidermaier, NP, also sees patients at the Andover office, located at 20 Main Street. Call (607) 478-8421 to schedule an apopintment.
For more information about these providers, please go to the Jones Memorial website: