News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Melanie Hunt

The sales tax “glut” continues, 8.8% increase statewide


Allegany and Steuben counties both collect millions of additional dollars in 2022

Michael T. Baldwin Reports

Local sales tax collections in New York state increased by 8.8% in November compared to the same month in 2021, according to an analysis released today by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. Overall, local collections totaled $1.72 billion, up $139 million compared to the same time last year.

New York City’s collections totaled $770 million, an increase of 10.7%, or $74 million, over November of 2021. All but a handful of counties experienced some year-over-year growth in November collections, with Wyoming County seeing the largest increase at 17.5%, followed by Lewis and Delaware counties at 14.9% and 14.7%, respectively. Rockland County had the steepest decline (-11.3%).

Here’s the regional breakdown:

Allegany County, January-November: In 2021 it was $24.2 million, but in 2022 it was $26.1 million, an 8.1% increase.

Steuben County, January-November: In 2021 it was $62.0 million, but in 2022 it was $67.6 million, a 9.1% increase.

Overall, the western New York counties (Allegany) realized a 7.3 % increase and the Southern Tier counties (Steuben) saw a 6.8% increase.

Monthly sales tax distributions made to counties and tax-imposing cities are based on estimates by the state Department of Taxation and Finance.

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