News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Sheriff Whitney: Beards make the “Shop with a Cop” program a success


Allegany County Sheriff’s Office have supported the program since 2012

L-R: CO Robert Brooks, Undersheriff Scott Cicirello, Bruce Campbell Executive Director of the Allegany County Area Foundation, Sheriff Rick Whitney, Lt. Andrew Bigelow and Jail Administrator Chris Ivers.

The Allegany County Sheriff’s Office has once again grown beards to support the Allegany County Area Foundation’s Shop with a Cop Christmas Program. For the past eleven years officers have contributed to the program in exchange for the privilege of growing a beard during the fall hunting season and female officers contribute through a 50-50 raffle. This year the Allegany County Sheriff’s Office raised $1,763.00 ($1,520 through the beard for bucks’ program, $80 from the female officers and $163 from the TRIAD program).

Sheriff Whitney stated “This is a great program for our area; it gives underprivileged children a chance for the Merry Christmas, that they might not otherwise have.”

Since the inception of the program in 2012 the members of the sheriff’s office have raised and contributed $11,510.00

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