News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

District 4 Legislators will hold town hall meeting in Andover, Sheriff-elect to speak November 29


James Rumfelt, Steven Havey, and Gary Barnes invite the public to attend

District IV Legislators have scheduled their district meeting for Tuesday, November 29, at 7:00 p.m. at the Andover Town Hall at 22 East Greenwood Street in Andover.

This meeting is being held for general discussion of mutual problems and interests. If there are any specific topics you would like to have addressed, please let one of your District IV Legislators know, and they will try to provide a speaker.

Sheriff-Elect Scott Cicirello will be on hand to talk about his vision of the Sheriff’s office going forward.

Please give notice of this meeting to your town and village board members, as well as to members of the public, and encourage everyone to attend. Everyone is welcome to attend even if they do not live in District IV.

Some hot topics that are likely to be discussed:

The future of EMS services in Allegany County: Will the county buy Medical Transport Service Inc ?

Leadership in Allegany County: Who will be the next Chairman? Vice-Chairman?

New Office of the Conflict Defender: How will this change our local justice system? Who will lead the office ?

Sheriff-elect Scott Cicirello: Who will his Undersheriff be? What can we expect in 2023?

Economic Development policy: Will a “hotel-ready” site be built near I-86 ?

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Helmi A. Mason, 91, Wellsville

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