Annual Holiday Extravaganza, parade with Santa, tree lighting, and amazing fireworks
By Andrew Harris, photo by Mel Hunt
Downtown Wellsville has a big start to the Christmas season planned this year. All day small business shopping will be highlighted by the Wellsville Volunteer Fire Department will have dozens of vendors inside the headquarters on Main Street. Chief Fleischman noted that it has been a number of years since the Extravaganza was at the headquarters and that firefighters would be serving hot food and refreshments for shoppers.

The extravaganza ends at 4pm but the holiday party will just be starting as the sun goes down and the christmas lights turn on. Santa himself will be in town to lead the annual holiday parade down Main Street, creating many Hallmark moments.

Santa will end the parade at the David A. Howe Library and oversee the annual “Fantasy of Lights” display. Grab a booth at the Texas Hot or the Beef Haus or your favorite Wellsville food spot and prepare for a historically awesome fireworks display planned for a 7:30pm start.