News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Leah Waters big heart benefits Hart Comfort House


Giving back has always been a family tradition for the Waters Family

Shown here is Scott Swift, executive director of the Comfort House, Leah, and her mom, Katelyn Waters.

By Andrew Harris

Leah Waters came into this world needing a little help. As a at-risk newborn she and her family recieved the kindness of strangers and have never forgotten. So every year Leah and her family make a donation to a worthy organization. Her mom Katelyn explains:

“When she was born she was in the NICU for 24 days! For her first 3 birthdays we collected donations for the Ronald McDonald House in Buffalo since that’s where I stayed while she was in the hospital. When she was turning 4 we decided we wanted to give back to a place more local to our community. As a family we decided on the hart house and ever since she has looked forward to taking her donations every year! This is our 4th year donating to them ☺️

And Leah isn’t the only member of the family who is making a difference by giving back. Katelyn explains that Leah’s brother Carson has also embraced the family tradition:

“Her brother Carson has done blankets for the nursing home and donations to the SPCA for his birthdays. I want to raise strong kids who grow up giving to others whenever they can,”

Scott Swift, Executive Director of the Hart Comfort House in Wellsville was floored by the donation from Leah:

“An amazing gesture from Leah Waters! This 7-year old has given us donations for the past 3 years! She asks people to donate for her birthday and she in turn donates to us.”

“This girl has the biggest heart!”

Great work Waters family!! Leah and Carson are learning alot from parents Katelyn and Cory Waters of Wellsville!!

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