As more people choose vegetarian, are turkey eaters binary ?
By Andrew Harris
I’ve been a vegetarian for about 15 years, but I still remember why I was a dark meat guy. The extra moisture, a little bit of “gamey” flavor, and it is much less likely to be too overcooked and dry. White meat folks need more gravy to counter the dry nature of breast meat, more cranberry too. Different “mouth feels,” different dynamics with side dishes, and a whole different look on the plate. Let’s face it, white meat looks better in a picture.
Like me, many are happy without any a dead bird to enjoy a meal dedicated to giving thanks. A plate full of vegetables offers plenty of protein, flavor, and almost everything on the traditional Thanksging plate is vegetarian anyway! Plenty of great meat subsitutes dedicated to the holiday feast are available at the local grocery story. Giant Food Mart has the famous Tofurky Holiday Roast in stock now!
How do you like your Thanksgiving plate ?
Thank you, Hart’s Jewelry in Wellsville for sponsoring this week’s poll question!