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By Cindy El-Gaaly

Sport Business Club 3v3 Basketball League scores big with students


Sport Business Club 3v3 Basketball League founders. Back Row (L to R): Brandon Jocelyn, Marcus Lawson, Ben Pollack, Ben Reding, and Nathan Kruckow. Front Row (L to R): Mo Olasupo and Ryan Rosa. Not pictured: Jake Brotherton.

ALFRED, NY, November 9, 2022 – Alfred State College students in the Sport Business Club have scored big with the formation of a 3v3 Basketball League. The league recently finished their second season.

Looking for ways to raise funds and meet the needs of students at Alfred State, a group of Sport Business Club members worked together and put together the league that debuted in the Spring 2022 season. The league features a five-week season and a single elimination tournament to claim a champion.

League founders, Jacob Brotherton (Lansing, NY), Brandon Jocelyn (Brooklyn, NY), Nathan Kruckow (Erin, NY), Marcus Lawson (Bronx, NY), Mo Olasupo (Staten Island, NY), Ben Pollack (Candor, NY), Ben Reding (Brockport, NY), and Ryan Rosa (Middletown, NY), have been able to combine skills and lessons learned in the classroom to run this league. The league has raised funds which will be used by the Sport Business club for trips to professional organizations. In the past, the club has visited the Brooklyn Nets, the New York Mets, and local teams like the Rochester Americans and St. Bonaventure.

Rosa pitched the idea to the Sport Business Club after talking to a friend. “A friend of mine that goes to the University of Albany talked about how they had a five-on-five league so I wanted to take the ideas they had for that and implement it for Alfred State. I came up with the 3v3 league. These guys helped us with the logistics. We have a perfect group of people. We all bring something different to the table.”

“Having the opportunity to dip your toes in different areas and understand there is more to the game,” commented Jocelyn. 

Pollack thinks that the hands-on experience has been beneficial. “Pretty much everything in our classes has been applied in some fashion. This league that we developed, organized all that into one space.”

Sport Management Assistant Professor and advisor to the Sport Business Club Brandon Harrison has been impressed by the creativity of his students. “The Sport Business Club 3v3 Basketball League founders saw a need and an opportunity to provide a next-level intramural league, and delivered. All credit goes to these students as they planned everything from statisticians for the games to graphic design done for social media. I am incredibly proud of the dedication these students have shown and look forward to the next iteration of the league in the spring semester.”

Find out more about the league from the students that put it together.

The Fall 2022 season recently completed with the Big DOA taking the championship. The team consisted of Keith Brown, Nasir Gray, Ron Griffith, Jason Horace-Smith, and Nelly Campbell. Campbell was joined on the All-League First Team by Jhoasy Herrera and MVP Nick Williams.

Follow the league on Instagram: @astate3v3bball

Check out the statistics from the latest season at: Home of Alfred State 3V3 Basketball on

Sign-ups for the Spring 2023 season will be in February.

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