News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Manor Hills says goodbye to longtime Administrator Miranda Phelps


Statement from Manor Hills in Wellsville

Dear Residents, Family Members, Friends and Staff,

It is with a heavy heart that I officially announce the departure of our Administrator, Miranda Phelps. After spending over a decade in a leadership role at Manor Hills, Miranda has chosen to take a new career path outside of the senior housing industry. Miranda began her career at Manor Hills as a Unit Coordinator, working closely with residents and their families to deliver positive outcomes for every resident she served. Miranda’s passion and dedication to her residents was visible to everyone she came in contact with, so it wasn’t a surprise when she was hand selected to become the facility’s Administrator in 2014.

Miranda is a natural born leader who served her residents and staff selflessly. She has accomplished countless victories during her tenure as the Administrator of Manor Hills, but nothing surpasses leading Manor Hills through the Covid-19 Pandemic. It was Miranda behind every difficult decision that had to be made as she spent countless days and nights working tirelessly to deliver a safe environment for each of our residents.

Miranda will be missed by all of us here at Manor Hills and leaves behind some very large shoes to fill. So on behalf of team Manor Hills, I would like to take this moment to formally thank Miranda for her years of selfless service, dedication to the residents and staff of Manor Hills and the positive impression she leaves behind as she embarks on her new journey. We wish you the very best Miranda and Manor Hills will always be your home!

In Gratitude,

Michael Morris


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