News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Town of Alfred to meet Thursday October 13


Read last meetings minutes and the agenda for this week

Here is the Zoom link for the 7pm Thursday October 13th, Alfred Town BoardMeeting.

Residents may attend in person at the Town Building on Shaw Road, or via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 830 9593 1211
Passcode: 589264
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,83095931211#,,,,*589264# US
+16468769923,,83095931211#,,,,*589264# US (New York)

Here is the Agenda for Thursday

  1. Guests – Clark-Patterson-Lee
  2. Unfinished Business
  3. Approval of Minutes – 9/8/2022
  4.  Police Report  
  5.   Codes Enforcement Officer
  1. Review of Monthly Report
  2. Correspondence – Resignation of Court Clerk
  3. Approval of General Abstract #10-2022
  4. Approval of Highway Abstract #10-2022
  5. Highway Report
  6. Supervisor’s Report  – 2023 Budget, Court Clerk, SEQR Review
  7. Town Clerk’s Report
  8. Committee Reports
  9. New Business  – Scheduling Public Hearing for 2023 Budget.  Public Hearing to override tax cap (Local Law #2-2022) Local Law #3-2022 – Meetings via Videoconferencing


The Regular Monthly Meetingwas opened at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Dan Acton with the pledge to the flag. 

All Board members were present in person.  Also present representing the Village of Alfred was Jim Ninos, Kevin Margerum from MACE, and representing the Alfred Station Volunteer Fire Department were Jud Stearns, Brian Goodrich and Ben Link. Also present was Town Clerk Jan Burdick.   Via Zoom was Fred Sinclair, and Mark Klingensmith. 

Guests:  Kevin Margerum of the Municipal Association of Code Enforcement was present to address any questions the Board has before they take over Code Enforcement for the Town in January.  Mr. Margerum stated that they have a dedicated codes program online and can either use their application or continue to use the Town’s and they will incorporate that information into theirs.  Wendy Dailey asked how that will work with the Town’s Zoning Law and Mr. Margerum answered that they will have to read thru the Zoning Law and other local laws.  Will make sure they aware of any land use laws.  The attempt is for them to adapt to the Town, not the Town to adapt to them.  They will issue a monthly report.  Kenn Burdick suggested they have a meeting with local contractors and Mr. Margerum thought that was a good idea, their intent is to work with people.  Mr. Margerum stated that all Code Enforcement Officers with MACE have at least 20 years in the building trades, have their own attorney for consultation, and will have time to review our permit forms and local laws so everything will be in place by January.  Also added that a site inspection is required before any permit is issued.  Matthew Snyder stated that the biggest change will be what is needed for a permit.  Mr. Margerum stated that most anything structural, extending electrical systems, roofing, etc. requires a permit.  They will assume full responsibility for all permits.  Mr. Acton commented that the Town currently does not patrol, act on complaints.  Mr. Margerum stated that if someone sees something that is an apparent violation or dangerous they would act, otherwise act on complaints.  Kenn Burdick stated that the public needs to know they are there to help them to make sure things are done right.

ASFVD – Brian Goodrich explained the proposed addition to the Firehall.  They need additional space to store equipment that is going to be needed for the Solar Farms.  They are 86’ back from the center of the road and will be built to address flood zone area.  Currently trying to find an engineer that will stamp the plans. They had hoped to get started by October 1st.  Code Enforcement Office Steve Kilmer informed them that due to it being in a flood plain zone, there may be more involved before issuing a permit.  Ben Link added that they need the equipment during the construction of the solar farm and Dan Acton asked if the construction could wait since the solar farm won’t be started for at least a couple of years.  If can’t wait to buy equipment, can it be stored in other bays?  Ben Link stated that the problem is there isn’t room.  Kenn Burdick asked why it can’t wait until Spring and Brian Goodrich responded that they would have to redo the funding.  The new bays will be used for the equipment needed for the Solar Farm.  Supervisor Acton reviewed the requirements in the Zoning Law for issuing a permit in a Flood plain.  Matthew Snyder stated that it appears the Town can approve the application.  A motion was made by Kenn Burdick, seconded by Matthew Snyder and carried 5-0 to issue the zoning permit.  It will now go to Steve Kilmer for review of issuing a building permit. 

Jud Stearns asked if there was anything new on the sidewalk project?  Mr. Acton noted that new gas lines are going in now and hoped to have new drawings for tonight but they weren’t ready.

Approval of Minutes:  The minutes of August 11, 2022 regular monthly meeting were approved with a motion by Matthew Snyder, seconded by Wendy Dailey and carried 5-0.

Code Enforcement: Reviewed monthly report.  Wendy Dailey requested that the address of the approved permit be listed in the report.  Discussion on Ray Issac permit to put a mobile home on Palmiter Road.  Does not have 150’ of road frontage.

Correspondence – Contract with BBS for bookkeeping requesting a $500 increase.

STW – Fall Training for Planning Board, ZBA.  Final Town Tax Assessments.

General Abstract #9-2022 Vouchers #86-96 in the amount of $4581.89 in the General A Fund; Voucher #9 in the amount of $3394.75 in the B Fund, #9 in the SF Fund in the amount of $3581.58 approved with a motion by Matthew Snyder, seconded by Fion MacCrea and carried 5-0.    

Highway Abstract #9 -2022 Vouchers #91-96 in the DA Highway Fund in the amount of $2078.19 and Vouchers #34-39 in the DB Fund in the amount of $138522.74 were approved with a motion by Wendy Dailey, seconded by Dan Acton and carried 5-0. $132388.81 was CHIPS.

Highway Report: The written Highway report was reviewed and is on file.  Worked on CHIPS projects with oil and stoning.

 Supervisor’s Report: 

  • Schedule of Village Board Meetings:  October 11th – Fion MacCrea; November 8th – Wendy Dailey; December 13th – Dan Acton; January 10th – Matthew Snyder; February 14th – Kenn Burdick.
  • 2023 Budget Workshop- Thursday, September 22nd.  Dan Acton, Jan Burdick and Bob Halsey met with BBS to review a rough budget.
  • Crown Castle-T-Mobile Tower – Planning Board sent letters to 92 landowners within a 1-mile radius of the tower to ask for input. Fred Sinclair stated that the Planning Board is following the guidelines of the SEQR handbook so it will be a fair assessment. Doing a coordinated review where they are contacting State and Federal Agencies for input.  Hope to have all comments together by the October meeting.  Kenn Burdick asked if they were adding height to the tower and was told no, upgrading the equipment on the current tower. Mr. Sinclair added that it appears they are substituting what is currently there with 4G or 5G as much as he can tell.  They have asked Crown Castle for that information and haven’t received a response.  Fion MacCrea stated that he reached out to Northland Power to see if they would fund the legal costs for developing a proposed law for these types of towers and was told they don’t feel this is in the realm of giving money to the Town.
  • Mr. Acton met with Craig Clark of the Allegany County IDA and Northland to finalize the PILOT and Host Community Agreement.

Committee Reports – Jim Ninos representing the Village of Alfred stated that they have started the water project and will start as soon as pipes arrive – will start with Pine Hill.  New water tower will start in the spring.

Motion by Supervisor Dan Acton to go to Executive Session to discuss personnel at 8:30 pm, seconded by Matthew Snyder and carried 5-0.  Executive Session ended at 9:30 with a motion by Dan Acton, seconded by Matthew Snyder and carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Dan Acton to deny a Zoning Permit submitted by Ray Isaac to install a mobile home on Palmiter Road due to a lack of 150’ road frontage per Article 8 of the Town Zoning Law.  Seconded by Kenn Burdick and carried 5-0.

Wendy Daily discussed the work she had done on the NYS Building and Fire Code that must be adopted by December.

A motion to adjourn at 9:45 pm was made by Kenn Burdick, seconded by Matthew Snyder and carried 5-0.

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