News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Cuba Lake Gold By Debbie Weatherell

Exciting changes in store for Scio School District


A $5.75 million project at the Scio Central School campus will bring not only necessary maintenance and safety updates, but also improvements like renovated playgrounds and new
entrance canopies.

A public vote on the project is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 18, from noon to 8 p.m. in the Rigby Gym Foyer.

Residents interested in learning more about the project before the vote are invited to attend a Public Hearing on Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the elementary school auditorium.

District leadership has been working with architects, engineers, and school staff to identify and design this proposed project. In speaking with community groups, District Superintendent Jennifer Cappelletti said she has found plenty of support for the project especially considering it will not be a burden to the taxpayers.

Funding will come from state aid and savings from retired district debt.

Putting forth a significant project such as this while being fiscally responsible was key to the administration and school board while developing the plan.

“The school is the hub of our community,” Cappelletti said. “The Tiger family and the greater Scio community deserve a reliable and beautiful campus that they’re proud of. This project was designed to
do exactly that with no anticipated tax impact.”

If approved, campuswide construction will begin next summer. Some of the improvements include:

• Renovated playgrounds
• Sidewalk and masonry repairs
• Entrance canopies
• New scoreboard and sound system at the softball field
• Elementary auditorium and high school gym sound systems
• Multiple student bathroom updates
• HVAC work around campus
• Replacement of concrete slab in bus garage

Over time, items and infrastructure need to be replaced, repaired and upgraded to meet the needs of students, staff, families and the community.

“Maintaining and improving our school facilities is essential to continue the work that we do with students and the community,” Cappelletti said.

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