(Editor’s Note: Hornell Sun photographer Steve Harrison is on vacation. But he brought us along with his camera to The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks)
As any adventure starts its always nerve wracking as to what will be needed for the trip. For myself, I am very simple – give me a pair of underwear, shorts, a t-shirt, a hoodie, and I am good for a solid week.
But then comes that hard part for myself what camera gear to pack.
As I look around my camera room I pick out 100 different things I need. Knowing I can’t take everything, I settle for the top 99 things. And of course my camera bag will outweigh my clothing bag by far. I just sit back and smile saying now let the adventure begin!
Where to go was a toss up but we settled on The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks.
After we decided to take this adventure we heard from so many people as to what not to miss, where to eat, and of course photo-ops along the way.
Knowing I wanted to get some of the historical landmarks such as Morman Row, Jenny Lake, and for myself it was a no brainer: The Snake River.
The great landscape photographer, Ansel Adams stood high above the Snake River and created his legendary photos. I knew that standing along that same location with be somewhat of an honor to try and replicate his work with today’s technology.
Standing there, you can still see the layout and the location where he must have stood. The vegetation had grown some over the past 80 years since that day in 1942.
When people come back from trips folks often say they ate at this commercial franchise or drove through McDonald’s along the trip. For myself it is simple, you ask the locals where good home town local food is served that will make me feel right back at home.
For me, that feeling is eating at my favorite place in the whole wide-world, Billy Schu’s.
So the man checking us in asked what type of food do you want and I said ‘home town local fare for sure.’ With a list in hand off we went for lunch.
We ended up going to Jackson Drug which I was a little nervous about. I remember the days of eating at Woolworth’s on the Broadway Mall. Well let me tell you something, local is what we got. As we tried to decide what to eat, my wife and I opted for splitting two meals for a taste of each.
First a Buffalo Burger: Locally sourced meat is Jackson Drugs claim to fame. Second an elk burger. Both were amazing, but I would have to stay the Elk won in taste just a little! So the next time you head out on a trip ask the locals where to eat.
Over the next seven days, I will be scripting our journey through National Parks Road Trip 2022.
Below are several photos from our first day make sure to come back each and every day to see what amazing adventures the camera my capture.