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Andover Central by Brian Cannon

Angelica Police Chief: Updated website will provide more information


Visit newly revamped homepage here

Police legitimacy is the extent to which members of the public view the police as legitimate, often measured in terms of the public’s willingness to obey and cooperate with the police.   Police legitimacy is linked to the degree of public support for, and cooperation with, the police’s efforts to fight crime.

With that in mind, I want to thank you for taking the time to learn about the Angelica Police Department.  I am honored to serve the Village of Angelica and its residents as the Officer in Charge of the Angelica Police Department. I invite you to look through our website to see the services that the police department currently provides.

The Angelica Police Department has five sworn part time officers who serve a population of nearly 1000 citizens.  Each officer cares about the safety of the community and is committed to providing excellent customer service. The primary focus of the department is ensuring the safety and well-being of our citizens and visitors. We will use all of our existing resources to accomplish this.   

I believe maintaining a high level of professionalism within the police department serves to maintain the quality of public safety citizens deserve and fosters collaborative efforts, which result in constantly improving community relations.

My intent in developing this web page was twofold- provide people with information to assist in keeping Angelica a safe community and to show what services the Angelica Police Department provides.  After looking through our web site, I hope you will have found it useful and have a good understanding of what the Angelica Police Department does for the community. 

I encourage you to contact me with ideas you might have about police department matters you feel would be of interest to others.

Please feel free to contact me by email or phone with suggestions or comments.
I can be reached at 585-466-3737 or by email at

Matthew Heller, Officer in Charge, Angelica Police Department 

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