News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Harvest report from Wellsville’s only FREE community garden


The Fassett Greenspace hosts public gardens, anyone can harvest crops responsibly

HARVEST REPORT: Hey greenspace lovers, we have some great fresh food ready for harvest!! It is FREE to enjoy the garden bounty, please harvest gently and take only what you need!!

POTATOES: Our potato patch is ready to be “dug up.” The sooner we have that crop harvested, the sooner we can plant some late summer peas!

SQUASH AND ZUCCHINI: We have lots of little baby summer squash and zucchini ready to harvest. The more we harvest the smaller, sweet and tender squash, the longer the plants will produce. Anything larger than 5 inches is fair game. Squash blossoms are also really great in the pan or salad…..

CHERRY TOMATOES: Red cherry and yellow sunburst are starting to ripen!! Our tomato crop this year is looking great!

CUCUMBERS: We have a big pile of trellised cucumber plants that a producing furiously!! You may have to peak into the middle of the heap but baby cucumbers are hiding throughout. Like squash, picking small young cucumbers prolongs the harvest period. Plus, baby cukes are super sweet and tender!

LETTUCE: We have a few more heads of lettuce but hurry, they will be “bolting” soon. Take whole heads please.

BEETS: The beet patch has lots of small beets and you can harvest them as is. The greens are also great fried in a pan with butter and vinegar!! This area needs to be replanted in July so please, have a handful of beets!!

HERBS: Surrounding our water fountain is a “circle of herbs” Almost all are ready for harvest, the cilantro is very ready. You will also find lemongrass, parsley, dill, thyme, marjoram, rue, a big bush or tarragon, and some unique herbs like Cuban oregano. Take a few snips of them all!

COMING SOON: Peppers galore! We have a half dozen varieties available from jalapeno to sweet bell. Please don’t harvest the smaller peppers, they have 3-4 weeks of growth ahead of them. Tomatoes aplenty: While the cherry tomatoes are just starting to ripen, we have loads of beefstake and Roma that will be turning red in early August.

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