News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Cuba Lake Gold By Debbie Weatherell

Genesee River “traffic” under County Route 26 bridge is closed due to safety concerns


“The bridge is extremely unstable”

Allegany County announced today that river traffic under the County Route 26 Bridge just east of the Hamlet of Belfast is closed. The bridge was originally closed in January to automotive and pedestrian traffic. The bridge is extremely unstable, and it is not safe to canoe, kayak, fish, swim, or walk under the structure.

New signs have been installed at both the Belfast River Access Site and the Transit Bridge River Access Site warning paddling river users not to go under the bridge. Additional signs have also been placed upstream of the Belfast River Access Site instructing paddlers to leave the stream at this point. Currently there is not a good portage point immediately north of the bridge to get back in.

The County is working on determining if a temporary new river entrance can be installed north of the bridge, but that assessment is not completed. This is an unsafe situation. No one should cross the CR 26 Bridge as a pedestrian or on any type of vehicle. Anyone who enters on or under the bridge is trespassing on County property and places themselves at risk of injury or death.

Allegany County asks that everyone please stay safe and stay away from CR 26 Bridge until further notice.

For more information, press only:
Dean Scholes

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