News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Andover Central by Brian Cannon

Today: US Supreme Court strikes down New York gun law


Qualifier for a pistol permit deemed a violation of the 14th Amendment

By Andrew Harris

As just reported on my favorite radio station, XM/Sirius POTUS 124, the high court in the nation just definitively voted to deem parts of NY State law unconstitutional. In a 6-3 decision, justices deemed a qualifier required for a pistol permit in NY must be removed from the application.

As a pistol permit holder, my application to be able to carry a concealed weapon asked me to qualify why I needed the privilege granted. In other words, “What sets you apart from the general population which require you to pack a gun?” Many reasons get rejected, for example you can’t qualify yourself by stating that you want to be able to ‘fight terrorism.’ Most valid reasons would be carrying large amounts of cash or those in the security profession. The US Supreme Court ruled that requiring applicants for a permit to prove a special circumstance exists is simply unconstitutional.

The NYS Rifle and Pistol Association brought the challenge to the highest court in the land. Stay tuned for reaction from them and state leaders on this landmark change to our state gun laws.

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