News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Town of Wellsville board meets tonight, read agenda


Quicklee’s site plan, board vacancy, and airport business before the board

Meeting at 7pm, Wellsville Municipal Airport

Town of Wellsville officials will hold the regular monthly meeting in the temporary quarters at the airport, in the main hanger.

According to the provided agenda the board will receive updated site plans for the new Quicklee’s/Tim Horton project on the Bolivar Road. Another topic of interest will be a discussion on the open seat on the town board. Since the resignation of William Fish last year, the board has operated with only four members.

While meeting in the airport hanger, the board will discuss multiple airport projects and the means to fund them. Based on the agenda, “using Airport Rescue Money put in with County money.” Read the entire agenda here:

1. Pledge to the Flag

2. Minutes: 05/11/22 Regular Meeting

3.  Community Comment:

4.  Financial Reports

5.   Departmental Reports

6. HIGHWAY: FEMA update

7. PARK: Motion to transfer $4000.00 from A230CR to A8810.406 to pay for tree removal in Johnson cemetery.

             – Create new line item for Park clerk – Use monies left over in A7110.104

8. BOARD VACANCY:  Discussion on filling vacancy on town board.


10.AIRPORT: Discuss using Airport Rescue Money put in with County money for:

  1. New door closer main hangar door # 3
  2. Seal main parking lot and repaint.
  3. SRE Building Filter System
  4. Fuel Farm upgrades

11.QUICKLEE’S: Updated site plan



            A. Sinclair Water District

               B. Community Development

               C. Solar/Wind Committee

14. Supervisor/Councilmen Reports

  1. P. Graves –
  2. M. Miller –

C.   J. Case –

D. S. Alsworth –

15. Executive Session:

16.  Audit/Payment of Bills – Abstract # 06

Next Board Meeting: July 13 ,2022 – Regular Meeting

  • Planning Board Meeting: – June 13, 2022 Town
  • Airport Meeting: June 14, 2022
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