News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Andover Central by Brian Cannon

Saved by D & J Body Shop, again


By Andrew Harris

At this point no one can keep track of how many times this routine has played itself out. I live in a very rural location, with a long driveway that is more of a wide dirt path than a driveway. Every winter, multiple vehicles veer off into deep snow that just gets deeper when you try to maneuver out of the situation.

Usually, it isn’t me who needs the assistance. A guest is usually in the process of trying to back down a 500 foot driveway that is barely passable. On the north side of the drive is a very steep two foot cliff, once just one wheel flops over that cliff, the inevitable phone call to my pal Jordan Muska at D & J Body Shop is made to 585 593 3854:

Me: Yo Jordan what’s up?

Jordan: Oh you know I busted my rear all night long towing people stuck in the snow. Someone stuck in your driveway again?

Me: Yes, me this time.

Jordan: Ok bud, we will have someone up there soon

Me: Thanks again, I’m sure it won’t be the last time either!

Within the hour the D & J flatbed pulls up and uses the winch system to lift the vehicle back on the driveway. I thank them for the amazing service and we all laugh and say, “see you next time,” before the truck rolls off to rescue some other stranded motorist.

Winter isn’t over kids, so put D & J’s number in your phone now!

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