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Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Potter County, PA: Covid update


Three residents have recently died of Covid-19

By Michael T. Baldwin

There were three more COVID-related fatalities and another 101 coronavirus cases diagnosed in Potter County over the past week.

At the same time, the county’s vaccination rate lags far behind the statewide average and only about three people per day are receiving the vaccine. Pa. Dept. of Health reported that 2,861 county residents have tested positive since the pandemic was declared and 83 of them have died.

As of Monday, UPMC Cole was treating four COVID patients. Public health officials are concerned about a decline in the number of people being tested for the coronavirus.  Despite frequent advisories from public health officials, relatively few Potter County residents are being vaccinated this month.

Some 45 percent (7,076 people) of those 5 and older have now received at least one dose. Statewide, the figure is more than 80 percent. Cole offers the vaccine to eligible patients at its outpatient offices. 

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