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Alco Federal Credit Union shares secrets of financial success with local high school seniors


Alco FCU CEO, Mike Miller was invited to speak to Mr. William Horton’s Career Plan and Independent Living classes at Genesee Valley Central School on January 18th. There are a total of 27 students in the two classes. The students provided topics ahead of time that they wanted to learn more about including: Investments, Insurance, Credit Cards, and Mortgages.

“I really wanted to share some of the things I wish I would have been told when I was a Senior in High School,” said Miller. “I don’t think people realize how much more students are being taught regarding these life skills in schools today compared to when we were in school and it’s wonderful.”

Students were taught how to use the power of compounding interest and time to be a millionaire at retirement which seemed to get their attention. They also learned about hidden expenses with car loans like having to budget for insurance and repairs. There was also a good discussion about how to properly use credit cards and not get into trouble with debt.

“Alco has been in the community since 1953 and it’s vital to its mission to invest in and strengthen the communities we serve. These students are just about to enter the dreaded ‘real world’ and there’s no better time to get them on the right track and avoid some of these common pitfalls.”

“I’ve been very impressed with Genesee Valley Central School. I think they do a great job. I’d love to come in and talk with any other local schools that would be interested in having me. Just call me at my office at the Wellsville Branch.”

Mr. Horton added “the information that was presented by Mr. Miller was very valuable, and I would highly recommend his presentation to everyone.”

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