All arrested are considered innocent until proven guilty
Saturday January 15, 2022
Wellsville Police arrested a male, age 20 of Wellsville, charging him with Harassment 2nd. The charge stems from an incident that took place on East Fassett Street in September of 2021. He was processed and arraigned before Wellsville Village Justice Thompson. The accused was released and is due back in Wellsville Village Court on February 15th at 4:30 pm.
Tuesday January 18, 2022
Wellsville Police, acting on a Bench Warrant issued by the Wellsville Village Court, arrested a male, age 28 of Wellsville, for failure to appear in Court on previous DWI and other Vehicle & Traffic Offenses. He was processed and arraigned before Wellsville Village Justice Thompson. The accused was released and is due back in Wellsville Village Court on February 15th at 4:30 pm.
Wellsville Police arrested a male age 20 of Wellsville, charging him with 2 counts of Unlawfully Dealing with a Child 1st and 2 counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child. The charges stem from an incident that took place on Madison Street on January 15th. He was processed, issued an appearance ticket and released. The accused is due to appear in Wellsville Village Court on January 25th at 4:30 pm.
Wellsville Police arrested a male, age 54 of Alma, charging him with Harassment 2nd. The charge stems from an incident that took place on Madison Street in November of 2021. He was processed and arraigned before Wellsville Village Justice Thompson. The accused was released and is due back in Wellsville Village Court on February 15th at 4:30 pm.