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Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Wellsville Police Chief recognizes six officers for heroic acts in the line of duty


By Andrew Harris

Wellsville’s top cop, Chief Tim O’Grady sent Mayor Randy Shayler an email titled, “Good Things,” to inform him of some notable actions by members of his department. Shayler responded to the details of the police bravery and praised the officers in an email to trustees and members of the press titled: “YES THEY ARE…. Good Things!”

In the email, Mayor Shayler told O’Grady:

“Thank you for sharing this information about lifesaving heroic acts by members of WPD. We are all fortunate to enjoy a department of professional law enforcement individuals whose efforts make Wellsville the home we want and know it to be!”

The heroism wasn’t just typical, day-to-day bravery, it was life saving work.

Officers PJ Sherman and Jared Mattison were each given a letter from the Chief regarding lifesaving CPR the two performed early in December 2021. Because of the first aid administered during this medical emergency, a man survived to live and love another day. To both officers, O’Grady had this to say:

“Your actions project a professional and positive image of the Wellsville Police Department and demonstrates that the officers care about the community we serve. Please continue the good work.”

Another recent event brings two other members of the department in the hero’s light, Josh Kear and Bryant Hughes were credited for lifesaving efforts. The teamwork of these two officers resulted in a major tragedy averted and a life saved. Chief told both members of the force:

“Your actions project a professional and positive image of the Wellsville Police Department that did not go unnoticed by some of the residents of the community we serve. Please continue the good work.

A member of the community, who was witness to the officers bravery at the scene sent a dedicated note to the department:

“I just wanted to send my gratitude. Your officers responded fast and swiftly. So I wanted to send a shout out and thank the Wellsville Police Department. Thank you!”


The recent, massive apartment building fire in Wellsville brought out the best in two other Wellsville Police officers. As the building fire raged, Officers John Valentine and Jered Heaney are to be credited in averting any loss of human life. Chief O’Grady, in his recognition of the events told the officers:

“I would like to commend you on the bravery and compassion that you demonstrated at a large house fire on December 16th.   The actions you exhibited that evening helped save the lives of the occupants.”

Valentine, was also honored in 2017 for his heroic actions in response to a structure fire. His fellow officer in this emergency, Heaney had this to say about Valentine’s actions in a memo to O’Grady:

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