News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Allegany County Covid-19 data report


Department of Health releases infection and testing numbers for 11/15-11/28

Based on reporting from the Allegany County Department of Health, overall infection and testing rates dropped significantly over the two week period. In the week preceding the Thanksgiving holiday, the county tested 2498 individuals, finding 286 positive cases. During the holiday week, the number of positive cases dropped to 229 but the county reported testing only 1449 people.

That disparity in testing rates, marginalizes any hope that infection rates are abating in Allegany County. As a function of tests administered, infection rates increased about five percent during the holiday week. Experts across the state and nation warn of a “Thanksgiving surge,” that typically manifests two or three weeks after the spread. Public officials in Western New York urban areas have already instituted an indoor mask mandate and have been outspoken about the possibilities of a holiday season surge.

Not vaccinated yet? Here are the clinics planned in Allegany County for December:

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