News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Andover Central by Brian Cannon

Allegany County Democrats Support Teamsters Local 264


Belmont, NY — The Democratic Party has a long-standing connection to the workers of this nation.  Democrats recognize that Labor is the backbone of the middle class and that workers uniting for better working conditions, wages and benefits creates a positive impact in the community.

For these reasons, the Allegany County Democratic Committee supports the strike action of Teamsters Local 264 against Saputo/Friendship Dairy.

Saputo, which is headquartered in Montreal, Canada, generated $11.5 billion dollars in revenue last year. This wealth was created by its workers — including our neighbors in Teamsters Local 264.

The members of Local 264 worked without time off and without any additional bonuses throughout the entire pandemic. Recently, at the bargaining table, employees rejected a contract that would have raised their health insurance costs to a point that would impose an actual pay cut for the workers. 

            The Allegany County Democratic Committee supports collective bargaining and stands in solidarity with the hard-working union employees as they strike for a better contract.

 The Allegany County Democratic Committee is the official governing body for the County Party, working toward broader representation by Democrats at the local, state, and national levels.  Learn more at or on Facebook, email, or phone (585) 610-4321.

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