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By Cindy El-Gaaly

The Golden Crone: The Cover


From the Golden Crone, 11/1/21

A brief examination of the history of world holidays will reveal an onion’s skin of celebrations, feasts, and sacrifices lain atop each other and pressed into the traditions we currently hold near and dear.

Though born in blood and propaganda, I have no issue with celebrating any day in any way. Harm None is my only rule.

If you spend your Samhain with the porch lights off I respect that. If you prefer the wild wind through your hair as you frighten away malicious spirits, blessed be.

As the Light recedes in our hemisphere and the season of darkness embraces us please remember this, the night is not inherently evil.

 Try to frame the cold, dark months as an opportunity to slow down, spend time with loved ones, work on inside projects and maybe on yourself. The Season of Light will return in a flash.

In the meantime, fall into the cycles of the moon. May her constant evolution remind you that though the snow driven landscape may stay constant, every night leads you closer to Spring.

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