Top item on the agenda is a ban on cannabis sales in the village
From Staff Reports, 10/24/21
The village of Wellsville trustees and mayor will convene this Tuesday, instead of the regular Monday meeting. Village Clerk Wendy Seely explained the reason for the change:
“Just to remind you that next week’s Village Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 6:00 pm, instead of the regular fourth Monday schedule. This change is only for next week due to the County’s Early Voting Poll Site that will be located in our Village offices all next week, to include until 8:00 pm on Monday, October 25.”
The meeting will be of particular interest to citizens and investors with any eye on the adult-use cannabis market. As the first agenda item below reads, Mayor Shayler will present, “Introduction to Opt-out of Marijuana Law.” During the last village meeting the board discussed the provision which allows a municipality to ban the retail sale of cannabis. According to state law, any city, village, or town must decide by December 31st if they choose to embrace the prohibition. The municipality may not ‘opt out’ after the end of this year, but may lift the ban and allow cannabis sales at any point after that. The board discussion during the last meeting indicated that the village was strongly considering taking a, ‘wait and see’ approach by agreeing on a 6 month ban on cannabis sales.
10-26-2021 (Tuesday)
Pledge to the Flag
Accept the minutes for the Regular Meeting held on October 11, 2021.
- Introduction of Opt-Out Marijuana Law
- Request acceptance and approval of DPW Deaccession List:
a) iPhone XR – Serial #FFXCT9LJKXKN, value less than $25
b) Netgear N900 Router – Serial #3W126A5500317, value $0
c) two Zoom Fax Modems, Model 3049, value $0
- Request acceptance and approval of the vouchers as listed in the Abstract of Vouchers dated October 26, 2021.
2. Request acceptance and approval of 1st Quarter – June through August 2021 – Financial Highlights.
3. Request acceptance and approval of the Treasurer’s bank reconciliations, posting journal and financial reports for September 2021.
1. Nothing to discuss
- Nothing to discuss
1. Request acceptance and approval of the updated Municipal Solutions Contract for the WWTP services they will be providing. The amendment is due to the extension of time (an additional 24 months) at a rate of $142/hr.
1. Request acceptance and approval of selling the old patrol vehicle – 2016 Ford Explorer.
1. Nothing to discuss
1. Nothing to discuss
1. Nothing to discuss
1. Nothing to discuss
1. Request executive session for a personnel issue.