From Staff Reports, 10/13/21, All accused are considered innocent until proven guilty in court
Thursday October 7, 2021
Wellsville Police arrested Christopher M. French-Lawson, age 29 of Rexville, charging him with Burglary 3rd (Class D Felony) and Possession of Burglar Tools. The charge stems from an incident that took place at Save-A-Lot after police were dispatched to investigate a burglar alarm activation. French-Lawson was processed, issued an appearance ticket and released. French-Lawson is due to appear in Wellsville Village Court on November 16th at 4:30 pm.
Wellsville Police arrested a male, age 42 of Wellsville, charging him with Harassment 2nd. The charge stems from an incident that took place on Howard Street in the Village. He was processed and arraigned before Village of Wellsville Associate Justice Walsh. The accused was released and is due back in Wellsville Village Court on October 19th at 4:30 pm.
Saturday October 9, 2021
Wellsville Police arrested a female, age 31 of Wellsville, charging her with two counts of Petit Larceny. The charges stem from two incidents that took place at the 7-11 on South Main Street. She was processed, issued appearance tickets and released. The accused is due to appear in Wellsville Village Court on October 19th at 4:30 pm.
Tuesday October 12, 2021
Wellsville Police, acting on a Bench Warrant issued by the Wellsville Village Court, arrested a male, age 35 of Andover, for failure to appear in Court on previous AUO 3rd and other Vehicle and Traffic charges. He was arraigned before Wellsville Village Justice Thompson and released. The accused is due back in Wellsville Village Court on December 21st at 4:30 pm.
Wellsville Police arrested male, age 49 of Wellsville, charging him with Harassment 2nd. The charge stems from an incident that took place on South Brooklyn Avenue in the Village. He was processed and arraigned before Wellsville Village Justice Thompson. The accused was released and is due back in Wellsville Village Court on November 16th at 4:30 pm.