News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Village of Wellsville Seeks Community Input for 2022 $10M Downtown Revitalization Initiative


Photo by Melanie Hunt Streeter

New York State’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) is a cornerstone of the State’s economic development program aimed at transforming downtown neighborhoods into vibrant centers that offer a high quality of life and are magnets for redevelopment, business, job creation, and economic and housing diversity.

One of the first steps in the process is to solicit public input and suggestions for projects and a community vision.  This is your chance to have your transformational suggestions heard and considered!

All those ideas that have been percolating in your head…we want to hear them!  Do we need a hotel, more places to congregate, facelifts for our buildings, more parking, destination venues?   What is missing, and what would bring a whole new energy to our business district? 

Wellsville will begin the community discovery process with two public meetings in the current calendar year, October 20, and November 17.   Meetings will be held at the David A. Howe Public Library and will begin at 6pm, all community members, including those in the surrounding area, are invited to participate. 

A DRI Strategic Investment Plan requires a clear vision for the downtown area; goals and strategies to accomplish the vision; an action plan with a timeline for projects, initiatives, and actions; and a strategic investment plan with catalytic projects to implement the plan.  Public engagement is a key component of the DRI planning process from start to finish.

The village also seeks input on development or rehabilitation projects that may be planned for 2022 and beyond.  These will count toward our need to show we have investment and development momentum from projects other than those that are State sponsored.  These projects act as a catalyst and encourage community investment. 

For additional information and examples of past projects, go to:  The Village has also created an email address for ideas, comments, input regarding planned projects, and questions,   

This is a great opportunity to consider what could revitalize our downtown, and to dream a little.

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