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Town of Wellsville Public Meeting Tonight


Minutes from the July Meeting and the Agenda for the 8/11/21 Meeting

Agenda for 8/11/21 Town Board Meeting:

1. Pledge to the Flag

2. Minutes from July 14, 2021

3. Community Comment:

4.  Financial Reports

5.   Departmental Reports

A. Town Clerk * (*indicates report received)

B. Dog Control

C. Justice *

D. Fire Department *

E. Assessor *

F. Code Enforcement*           

G Highway*

H. Park *

I. Airport*

J. Planning Board

6. HIGHWAY:  Dyke Creek

8. AIRPORT:  A. Purchase broom for loader

                           B. Universal towbar



            A. Sinclair Water District  

                B. Community Development

                C. Solar Committee

11. Supervisor/Councilmen Reports

  1. W. Fish –
  2. P. Graves –
  3. M. Miller –

D.   J. Case –

E.   S. Alsworth –

12. Executive Session:

13.  Audit/Payment of Bills – Abstract #08

Next Board Meeting: September 8, 2021

  • Planning Board Meeting: September 3, 2021 – Joint
  • Airport Meeting: September 7, 2021

Minutes from the July 9th Town Board Meeting:

The Regular Meeting of the Town of Wellsville, County of Allegany and the State of New York was held at the Wellsville Municipal Airport 2600 Tarantine Blvd on the 14th day of July 2021.

Present:       Shad Alsworth, Supervisor

                        Patricia Graves, Council Member

                        Jesse Case, Council Member

                        Mike Miller, Council Member

                        Willis Shutt, Airport Manager

                        Michelle Dunbar, Bookkeeper to Supervisor

Absent:         Bill Fish, Council Member, Dean Arnold, Highway Superintendent, Michael Finn,             Town Attorney          

Others Present: Kathrine Ross, Olean Times Herald, Chris Potter, Spectator, Mike Roeske, Village Trustee, Chris Martelle, John Fleischman

Alsworth opened the meeting at 7:00 pm and led the pledge to the Flag.

Minutes:  Accepted as written with a motion made by Graves, seconded by Case. Motion was carried.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Accepted as presented

DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: Accepted as presented.

            Fire Department: John Fleischman was asked by fire council to ask town board for approval to spec a new tanker. The current one is starting to nickel and dime the department.  Council is looking to put together just a basic tanker. Council wanted it asked if the current tanker could be sold and put extra monies towards new tanker or into replacement fund. Dean Arnold had stated he wanted tanker to wash bridges but fire department has always been there to volunteer to wash bridges for highway department. Mr. Fleishman state this could be a 2-3 year process.

A motion was made by Alsworth, seconded by Graves to hire outside council for fire protection contract. Motion was carried.

Code Enforcement: Rob Marsh has compiled all data for the new Code enforcement officer Rich Wenslow.

PARK: Questions were asked if playgrounds still need to be sanitized on a daily basis. Emergency Management suggests continuing once a week unless COVID continues to rise. Alsworth asks for Chris Martelle to talk to Dean Arnold or Neil Graves.


  1. A motion was made by Case, seconded by Graves to approve signatures of appropriate personnel for Airport Rescue grant monies. Approve money for payroll needs. Motion was carried.
  2. A motion was made by Case, seconded by Graves to approve the Ring Central buyout for Airport of $1,175.00 transfer monies from NY-01-0706-0042 to EA5610.440. Motion was carried. A motion was made by Graves; seconded Case to approve Ring Central buyout for Town Clerk phones, transfer monies from NY-01-0706-0012 General unexpended funded balance to A1620.433. Motion was carried.
  3. When you have a grant for over $750,000 spent in one year, you are required to do a single audit. Three quotes were received. Low quote was from EFPR group will not exceed $6,500.00. A motion was made by Miller, seconded by Case to approve low bid from EFPR Group. Motion was carried.
  4. A motion was made by Miller, seconded by Alsworth to approve the Firemen’s Convention to have a Fly-In-Breakfast. Motion was carried.
  5. FYI new phone contracts will be taken out by ACH transfer.

FIRE CONTRACT: Great conversations have been happening and line of communications are open.


            Alsworth: Brief contact with village justice on concerns on consolidated court services. Meeting with Brad and presumed new justice in November Election. Exploring all options, not just new municipal building. Supervisor will present all options to the board with consolidated court facility.

Approved bidding of culvert pipes approved at last meeting was never sent out to advertisement or bids received. Therefore would need to be approved again for that to be sent to bid again.

A motion was made by Case, seconded by Graves to hire a general contractor to oversee the New Municipal Building project to have a liaison between College, Town Board and High Superintendent. Alsworth is asking permission to advertise for a general contractor position solicitation to work with these 3 entities. Make a decision at next board meeting on Aug 11th before 7PM. Patty and Shad will work together on the advertisement. Motion was carried.


Motion:     A motion was made by Case to accept and pay Abstract #07 of 2021, seconded by Miller / carried

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A – General Fund – Vouchers – 166-194 – $7,399.95

B – Outside Village – Vouchers – 185 – $103.89

DA –Highway Town wide – Vouchers –136-147- $11,022.45

DB – Highway Outside – Vouchers – 137, 148-158 – $15,213.19

EA – Airport – Vouchers – 116-126 – $10,150.51

ESA – Assessor – Vouchers – 28-34 – $1,034.34

SS2 – Special District Sinclair – Voucher – 11 – $61.47

                        Tota1 $44,985.80

ADJOURN: Graves / Miller / Carried

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