From The Editor, 8/3/21
New York has become the nations capital for political embarrassment, again. The list seems like a bad joke, a geographic anomaly, a perverted curse upon the Empire State.
More realistically, we are at an epicenter of power, where those who wield the sword have so much power within our system that they implode due to internal, human pressures. Eric Massa, Elliott Spitzer, Tom DiNapoli, Tom Reed, Andrew Cuomo. These guys are all guilty of two things: Being elected to the highest offices in our nation, and abusing that power by using it as a weapon.
Whether it is ex-Congressman Eric Massa trying too “tickle” staff members, ex-Governor Spitzer hiring sex workers, current-Congressman Tom Reed haggling women in a bar, or current-Governor Andrew Cuomo and his long list of inappropriate behaviors; the message is the same: Please Resign.
The citizens of New York should be drawing a hard line with current-Governor Andrew Cuomo and the other side of the aisle should be doing the same with Congressman Tom Reed. The fate of our state and district have for too long been controlled by men who are clearly not motivated by public service alone. Perhaps they all went into the game with good intentions, but that game is up.
Tom Reed, the brightest political star to rise in the 23rd District since Amo Houghton, has only addressed his alleged harassment with the standard shield of, “seeking treatment.” No resignation accompanied his smooth non-admission of wrongdoing and Reed is now going about business as usual. Sadly, his indiscretions cost him(and his constituents) the co-Chairmanship of the powerful Problem Solvers Caucus. That blow to the 23rd district can not be overstated and could cost us dearly as the nation approaches a compromise on infrastructure legislation. Reed has made another selfish decision by refusing to resign and will serve out his term in Congress under that stigma.
Andrew Cuomo, also appears willing to put himself before the people he has sworn to serve. Months of investigations about behavior which has been collaborated by many, just to be insulted by one of the most powerful men in the world denying the charges. New York State Attorney General James has laid out the evidence with many supporting witnesses and victims testifying against her fellow Democrat. The President of the United States has called on Cuomo to resign, along side a chorus of national voices. His own Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul laid it plain on Twitter: “Repulsive and unlawful behavior.”
Cuomo should resign, if only for the good of the New York State government. Reed should resign as well and for the same reason. No body politic can move forward without a zero tolerance policy toward those who pervert power for personal reasons.