News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Allegany County Legislature Committee Meeting Agendas For July 21st


Committee of the Whole Begins at 10:00am in Belmont

From the Editor, 7/19/21

This Wednesday is a full plate of legislative meetings and detailed agendas have been provided to the public in advance. Below is a preview of each meeting with links to download the respective agendas. Any citizen can now watch these meetings via Facebook Live on the Allegany County Page. The Committee of the Whole, which will meet prior to all committee meetings will conducted entirely in executive session. For those who are new to following local government, ‘executive session’ is defined by our common demi-god Wikipedia as:

Maxwell Smart and his boss under the “cone of silence.

“An executive session is a term for any block within an otherwise open meeting (often of a board of directors or other deliberative assembly) in which minutes are taken separately or not at all, outsiders are not present, and the contents of the discussion are treated as confidential (see in camera).[1] In a deliberative assembly, an executive session has come to mean that the proceedings are secret and members could be punished for violating the secrecy.[2]

Depending on the organization or governmental body involved, business that is conducted in executive session could include legal issues, discussion on contracts (such as to purchase land, or offer tax incentives to a corporation moving to an area), and personnel issues (such as hiring and firing).[3][4][5]”

Don’t Wait: Winter is Coming!!

After the “CoW” meeting, the Resource Management Committee will meet and hear from several department heads with regular reports, some in great detail.

Scott Torrey, Soil & Water Conservation Executive Director will present his Monthly Report and Request to Accept Bid on Bennett Lot Timber. Brian Perkins, Director of the Youth Bureau, and Laura Hunsberger, Director of Cornell Cooperative Extension, will provide respective monthly reports. Hunsberger’s Cornell report is as quite detailed and good reading for those who value local our agricultural assets. Here are the details for you detail lovers:

The Budget Committee will meet after lunch and Allegany County Treasurer will be providing multiple reports on Sales Tax, Revenue, and Expenses for the county. Of particular interest and what one legislator quipped was, “…just unreal and great for the taxpayer.” So far, the July 2021 sales tax receipts are $835,864.47, compared to 2020 with $558,628.50 in sales tax revenue, over a 45% increase. Read all twenty pages of detailed reports from our Treasurer, Terri Ross:

The Planning and Economic Development Committee meeting begins at 2:00pm and has perhaps the most robust agenda of the day. Reita Sobeck-Lynch, Employment & Training Director, will be submitting her Monthly Report and requesting a “Job Developer” position. The Director of Planning, Kier Dirlam, will address the committee with his report that details efforts on work with broadband, grant work, tourism, trail/outdoor recreation, and several other items within the Planning universe.

Speaking of Tourism, Director Gretchen Hanchett, is on the agenda to give the committee her monthly, extensive report on efforts to bring more tourism to Allegany County. Dr. Craig Clarke will present the office of Development’s regular report, which will discuss his efforts on bringing a hotel to the ‘Crossroads’ area, micro-enterprise grants, working with county businesses like the Riverwalk in Wellsville to fill commercial vacancies, and moving forward from “The Great Lakes Cheese Incident.”

In addition to key department head reports, the Planning and Economic Development Committee will be making multiple appointments to key board positions under its purview:

“David Evans of Bolivar, NY, Edward Zalar of Cuba, NY, and Carissa Knapp of Belmont, NY, as members of the ALLEGANY COUNTY LAND BANK CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS for a two-year term effective October 1, 2021, and expiring September 30, 2023, subject to confirmation by the Board of Legislators.”

” The Chairman of the Board plans to re-appoint the following individuals as members of the Allegany County Telecommunications Development Corporation for a two-year term effective October 1, 2021, and expiring September 30, 2023, subject to confirmation by the Board of Legislators:
Craig R. Clark, Alfred
H. Kier Dirlam, Almond
Charles Jessup, Alfred Station
Debra A. Root, Scio
Jerry Scott, Cuba”

Read the full meeting agenda here:

The final legislative meeting of the day is perhaps the most important. The Ways and Means Committee, is the piece of the local government which actually makes the wheel turn round; they pay the bills. For example, all the other committees who have a request to spend money, must approve the measure and then send that request to Ways and Means for approval, before the full board of legislators vote. It is perhaps the most important, “check” within our county government. This meeting will be addressing referral items from Personnel and Planning/Economic Development before they reach the full board. Read the detailed agenda below:

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