News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

One Month of The Wellsville Sun


If you want to find a way to make the month of March zip by regardless of the weather or a pandemic, start up a community news site!!! The last thirty days have passed quickly, and as you can see in the montage below, the support has been overwhelming. These businesses are all part of the same plan: To make Wellsville the best place to live, work, and raise kids possible.

The support that comes in the form of press releases, ideas for a story, or just general feedback is also a great way to support this site. The Wellsville Sun has to be a community asset and will rely on participation from readers to create that value. You are the news, the sponsors, the readers, and who benefit the most from the information presented. So get involved and email me today: or connect via Facebook

Of course you can support this site directly by sending money via PayPal. The Wellsville Sun will always be free to read but someone has to turn the wheel and that comrades, isn’t free. As this site matures, our costs will increase and we expect to HIRE staff. Your $5 or $500 contribution will be used to ‘build out’ this page and create an organization that is focused on Wellsville NY. Many thanks to those who have stepped forward to help and to those who plan to contribute in the future.

Later today to celebrate our first month this site will receive its first upgrade!! Hopefully you’ll check back around dinner hour to see the changes, and hopefully the upgrade won’t crash and burn the site đŸ™‚

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Wellsville NY Historical Society: News From 1876: The Wicked Boys

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