From The Editor, 7/18/21
Tom Slavin named Co-Fireman of the Year
With over fifty years of service under his belt, Wellsville’s Tom Slavin was honored by fellow firefighters at the recent Volunteer Firemen’s Convention in Scio NY. Slavin is an active member of the Emerald Hook and Ladder Company No. 3 after five decades, continuing in the tradition of his father, James “Jimmy” Slavin and his uncle, James “Jim” Searle.
Some of Slavin’s fellow firemen, including past and present Chiefs, had this to say of Slavin’s award:
From Kevin Fleischman, Current Chief, Wellsville Volunteer Fire Department:
“Dedicated is what I think of Tom. Always willing to lend a helping hand, from being on a fire scene, to being a friend.”
From Jim Murphy, President of the EH&L:
“Thank you Tom, for your exemplary service of 50+ years. Congratulations on your award.”
From Garrett Gardner, Captain of the EH&L:
“Tom, congratulations. If anyone deserves the award, it’s you. Wellsville is lucky to have you and to be honest, we could use more just like you.”
From Past Chief Shaun Walsh:
“A truly proud public servant for 50 Years!”
From Tim Colligan, Secretary of the EH&L:
“Congratulations Tom on much deserved award. As a relatively rookie, ( I only have 47 years), I have had the opportunity to work with and under your guidance as a line officer of the Emerald Hook & Ladder but also as the Chief Officer of the Wellsville Volunteer Fire Department. Thank you for your service.”
From Tom’s “favorite cousin”, and former Mayor of Wellsville, Judy Searle Lynch:
Congratulations to all the recipients of the “Extended Years of Service” awards. I am especially proud of my cousin Tom Slavin. Tom has been a volunteer fireman for as long as I can remember. Although he no longer actually fights the “fires”, he is still very active in responding for whatever needs to be done…whether it be traffic control or support for his fellow firemen on the scene. Nothing gets in his way when that whistle blows!
I’ve asked him several times when he is going to just let the whistle blow without responding to which he says, “Not until I physically can’t” !! Wellsville has been blessed with all the volunteer firemen/women and auxiliaries past and present, to which we owe a debt of gratitude. They are on call 24/7 and need our continued support for all they do for us. There have been major fires, floods, people in need of evacuating homes from fires or flooding of basements, traffic control, auxiliaries being on the scene for support for them to name just a few of the services they provide.
Every minute of every hour, every hour of every day, we never know when their services are going to needed. If you have never needed them, be grateful, be thankful. If you have personally experienced your need for them, you understand how vital they are to keeping our Community safe. Congratulations again to those recognized at the Allegany County Fire Convention and thank you to all of our volunteers! And of course, again, a big thank you to my cousin Tom….our family is so proud of him!”