News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Andover Central by Brian Cannon

Village Board Meeting Agenda For Monday June 28th at 6pm


Pledge to the Flag

Accept the minutes for the Regular Meeting held on May 24, 2021.

VISITORS:  Shirley Giopulos, re: sprucing up signage area entering Village;

                        Magin Dunaway, re: Wine Walk 2021


            1. Request acceptance and approval of the Special Event Permit for the Wellsville Chamber of Commerce Wine Walk.  It is scheduled for Saturday, September 25, 2021, from 1:00 – 4:00 pm, and will cover the walking area of Main Street, from East Pearl to Fassett Street.

            2. Request acceptance and approval of the Special Event Permit for the Better Days Block Party.  It is scheduled for Saturday, July 10, 2021, from 7:00 pm – 1:00 am, to be located on Main Street, in the block area of Jefferson and Pearl Streets.

            3. Request acceptance and approval of a Peddling and Soliciting Application for the sale of Southwestern Advantage educational resources (reading books, learning apps, homework help/study guide books, online SAT/ACT prep course, etc.).  The timeframe for selling is June 28 through August 12, 2021, during the hours of 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.

            4. American Legion Post #702 informing the Board of their intent to renew their liquor license.



  1. Request acceptance and approval of the vouchers as listed in the Abstract of    Vouchers dated June 28, 2021.


  1. Request acceptance and approval to change Fire Board treasurer and secretary salaries.
  • Request acceptance and approval of the Application for a Special Event Permit for the Dyke Street Engine Co. #2 Chicken BBQ to be held on Thursday, July 8, 2021, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  The location will be at the fire hall located at 89 East Hanover Street.


  1. Whitney Place findings


1.   Request acceptance and approval to allow the Village of Wellsville’s Load Serving Entity (LSE), the NY Municipal Power Agency (NYMPA), to purchase Transmission Congestion Contract power (TCCs) from the NY Independent System Operator (NYISO) using surplus monies collected on the Village’s behalf over the past two years from our customers.  These TCCs reduce the cost to our rate payers during congestion events initiated due to construction or shutdown of the power transmission from the Niagara Project spurring the need for alternate, more expensive generation.


      1.   Nothing to discuss


      1.   Nothing to discuss


      1.   Nothing to discuss


      1.   Nothing to discuss


      1.   Nothing to discuss


      1.   Request executive session to discuss a pending litigation.

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