News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Allegany County Sheriff’s Department Honored

(L to R) Lt. Morsman, Sgt. Plaisted, JA Ivers, Undersheriff Monroe, Sheriff
Whitney, Peter Kehoe, and Chairman Crandall.

The Allegany County Sheriff’s Office was honored for having earned reaccreditation of the County Correctional Facility during a meeting of the Allegany County Board of Legislators Monday afternoon. Sheriff Ricky Whitney was presented with a plaque marking that achievement by Peter Kehoe, Executive Director of the New York State Sheriffs Association. The facility was first accredited in 2010 and earned re-accreditation in 2015 and again this year.

Executive Director Kehoe praised Sheriff Whitney, Jail Administrator Chris Ivers, and all the jail staff for their hard work in maintaining the facility’s long-standing accredited status. Kehoe pointed out that fewer than half of the county jails in the state have earned accreditation to date, and that the County Board of Legislators and the citizens of the county should be very proud of their Sheriff’s Office, which is well respected throughout the State. Legislative Board Chairman Curtis Crandall added his congratulations to the Sheriff’s Office and the jail staff for a job well done.

To earn reaccreditation, the Sheriff’s Office had to demonstrate that it maintains compliance with a stringent set of best practices in jail management developed by experts in the field of correction. The accreditation assessors that reviewed the jail’s operations found that it continues to meet every one of those high standards. Also recognized for their efforts in guiding the accreditation process were Undersheriff Kevin Monroe, Jail Administrator Ivers, Assistant Jail Administrator Lt. Kevin Morsman, Sgt. Craig Plaisted, and Sgt. Kimberlie Reynolds.
For more information contact Peter Kehoe at

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