News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Alfred Town Talk


Mobile Homes and Bookkeeping Services

Most of the monthly meeting was devoted to discussion of an impending issue on Waterwells Road. A large group of residents of Waterwells Road zoomed on to the monthly board meeting to voice their concerns about the recent sale of a property on that road consisting of a home and seven old mobile homes. The new owners were in the process of tearing out the interior of the mobile homes with the purpose of renting these. At the meeting residents spoke about the negative history of this property and their desire that these trailers, which have been vacant for several years, not be rented.

The town was aware of the pending sale and informed realtors that the trailers had been a nonconforming use, grandfathered by virtue of being in place when zoning was adopted. Now according to town zoning law, grandfather status has been lost in that these were vacant for more than one year. The town code enforcement officer visited the property and posted these as “not to be occupied.” The code officer and town supervisor both spoke with the new owners to be sure there was a clear understanding of the zoning status.

The other major item of note concerned our full-time Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Bookkeeper Janice Burdick. The board has been planning for her retirement to part-time Clerk/Tax Collector effective July 5, 2021. The clerk’s office will be open three half days per week with days and times posted on our website. Consistent with this change the board voted to contract bookkeeping services with BBS Inc. located in Nunda.

Complete minutes at

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Ralph Edward Empson, 84, Greenwood

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