News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Steve Dickerson Sr. Wants Your Vote For Alma Town Supervisor


My name is Steve Dickerson Sr. and I’m running for the open position of Town Supervisor in Alma New York.

For you who don’t know me I want to give you some background of my life in Alma NY. I was raised in the Town of Alma, living on the Pump Station Road. I graduated from Wellsville High School in 1969 and joined the Army in 1970 serving six years. In 1991 my wife Karen Dickerson an I returned to Alma and took over the family homestead where I was raised.

I have lived in Alma for fifty years and plan on continuing to do so. My wife and I raised three of our six children in this valley.  Three of our children that have moved back to Alma realizing that this is a good place to raise a family.

My work history started when my Army tour ended, I was hired at Dresser-Rand and like many, was unexpectedly laid off. I went to work at SCR Machining which is a small job shop and when that company sold out I went to BO-GES. I was then talked into teaching machining and was hired  at BOCES in Belmont. In 1994 Alfred State College started a Machining course, so I applied and was hired. During this time at Alfred State College I did a number of training courses for companies in the area.

I feel through my years teaching young adults, having six children and blessed with sixteen grandchildren, I have learned to be patient, compromising, dedicated and firm but not to firm when needed.

I’m like a lot of you that want someone that will do what is right for the town and the residents. I will listen to what the residents want and be willing to compromise for a solution that satisfies the majority of the residents. I feel that I am that person. I would like your support at the primary on June 22nd, 2021 and the in the general election in November.

Thank you for reading this and your support.

Steve Dickerson Sr.                

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