News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Melanie Hunt

Memorial Day Weekend Festivities In Allegany County


Almost every little town in Allegany County is planning to honor those we have lost in war this weekend. Here is the roundup of the what, where, and when. If your event isn’t included please email us and we can add it,

In Whitesville: A Memorial Day Service will be held by the Robert E. James America Legion Post No. 1012 at the Whitesville Rural cemetery on Monday, May 25th at 11:00 AM.

Big Doings in Belmont!!

Saturday 5/29 Parking Lot Party 2pm

DJ Rod Evans – Raffles – Kids Games – Horseshoes – Cornhole – Bowling – Bake SaleOpen to the community!!

Live Music at 9:30 by “Hintz of Thunder”

Fireworks at Dark!!!

The Bolivar American Legion Post 772 will be conducting honor ceremonies at local cemeteries on Sunday the 30th, and Monday the 31st.

Sunday May 30th: Bolivar Catholic Cemetery at 11:45am- followed by Bowler, Little Genesee, Obi, West Clarksville Richburg School. The Wolcott Memorial is at 2:30

Monday May 31st: Richburg Cemetery 10:00am – followed by Bolivar Cemetery and the Bolivar Library

Scio will not be having a parade this year but will hold the following ceremonies this year:

Cemetery dedications with Color Guard will commence as follows:

Catholic Cemetery 9:00 a.m.

Knights Creek Cemetery 9:30 a.m.

Fairlawn Cemetery 10:00 a.m.

Wellsville Post 702 Will Have Multiple Ceremonies

An interesting message from the American Legion:

1. Don’t wish a Veteran a Happy Memorial Day. There is nothing happy about brave men and women dying. Be happy to enjoy the freedoms they provided you. This is not a day of remembrance for veterans that are alive.
2. It’s not a holiday. It’s a remembrance of those who died in combat.
3. If you want to BBQ, grill or cookout do so . . . but make sure you remember why we have this long weekend. Tell your kids why it’s important.
4. Remember its not just about the “heroes” of movie and book fame, it’s also about that Private who landed at Normandy, Baghdad, Vietnam, Korea or countless other battlefields large and small and died 2 minutes into his first combat action.
5. If you want to know the true meaning, visit Arlington or your local VA cemetery. Learn the story of why there are coins on the graves.
6. Patriotism is a great thing, show a flag in remembrance, but make sure it’s a flag of the US not some political movement.
7. Don’t tell me how you almost joined, this is not about you (or me). Talk about Chesty Puller, George Patton, John Basilone, Dakota Meyer, Kyle Carpenter, Mitchell Paige, Ira Hayes, Chris Kyle and any other heroes too numerous to name.
8. Don’t tell me I don’t know what I am talking about. I have remembrances, and the burden, all too many times for warriors who now stand their post in front of God and history.
9. Say a prayer . . . and then another.
10. Remember the Fallen for all the Good they did while they were here.
11. Reach out and let a Vet know you’re there, we’re losing too many in “peace time”.

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I. Mildred “Midge” Smith, 89, Scio

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