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By Cindy El-Gaaly

As Seasons Change


As seasons change some things are clear,
When seen by all as they appear.
Change may occur but it may seem,
As if awakened by a dream.
The moon and stars and earth revolve,
The mysteries of change, to solve.
For each the cycle starts at birth,
Which season welcomed you to earth?
When Winter yields its cold to Spring,
New life in many forms it brings.
The flowers bloom when Spring rains fall,
And sun filled days will warm us all.
Spring to Summer brings love filled days.
Loves first embers become a blaze.
These Summer days are filled with joys,
With children’s laughter’s gleeful noise.
When Summer fades it’s Autumn’s turn,
And days grow short while home fires burn.
Autumn colors in their glory,
Will leave a lasting memory.
When Winter comes, those cold clear nights,
Let shadows fall by full moon’s light.
Fields swept by wind are now aglow,
When blanketed by Winter’s snow.
As seasons changed some things were clear,
When seen by all as they appeared.
Change had occurred but may have seemed,
As if it happened in a dream.

C. Wiser 3/21

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